

In our daily lives, we consume different types of sugar. Some people consume regular sugar. Some consume brown sugar while others consume diet free sugar. Thus multiple choices are available in the market which adds a great taste in your recipe also looks after your health, because many sugars lost its essential nutrients during the refining process which maybe not suitable for you to consume. But the brands we provide to you directly come from our manufacturing unit of Brazil which gives you all the health benefits. To make your morning cup of tea special, we supply sugar worldwide, which is certified by the authorities.

Uses of Sugar

Sugar can be added in any recipe of your daily meals, beverages, and most importantly, desserts.

Benefits of sugar

Sugar aids your brain health and also controls your blood pressure level. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases inside the body.

Icumsa 45 sugar

Icumsa 45 sugar

This sugar has passed through the refining stage and comes in the form of a white crystal clear way which aids the health of yours. The sugar has a soft texture from outside and has a soft-core so ...

Icumsa 150 sugar

Icumsa 150 sugar

The manufacturing plant of ICUMSA 150 sugar formulate sugar through sugar canes and then send it to the refining stage where it does not lose its essential components. We directly delivered you ICU...